Security Solutions


The solution of smart electronic keys and locks comes to replace the mechanical keys that have been overcome.
Taking into account the requirements of each organization to install padlocks and security locks at each organization’s premises in order to achieve:
A. The entrance of every user is controlled with a single key. With the same key the authorized personnel can open up to 60.000 locks and padlocks according to the security plan.
B. The key can not be copied like the mechanical keys.
C. Access should only be given to authorized users ensuring the highest degree of security of the infrastructure.

Main characteristics of the solution of electronic padlocks & locks:

  • Software that gives to the system administrator the possibility to organize and operate the security plan and to extract full reports.
  • Each user has a single electronic key with a unique electronic code.
  • The electronic key can not be copied.
  • Each electronic key is programmed by the system administrator to open:
    a. All the padlocks & locks of the same or different sites
    b. On specific day and specific period of time if this is needed
  • Each electronic key keep log files with the electronic padlocks / locks that open or tries to open and transmits them encrypted to the system software.
    This feature provides the system administrator with the ability to organize, monitor, authorize, recall keys.
  • Each electronic pad has no batteries or cables and has a unique electronic code.
  • In case of loss the system administrator can program the electronic padlocks / locks not to work with the blacklisted key.
    The loss does not require the replacement of the padlocks / locks.
    In comparison with the mechanical locks/padlocks the use of electronic locks and padlocks reduces the requirement of a large number of keys.